Conversational Currency - Maryland's Top Small Business Talk Show

Content Licensing Fundamentals featuring Mitch Axelrod

Episode Summary

In this Conversational Currency exclusive, you will learn the art and science of renting, leasing, and licensing your content to corporations from my special guest, the world’s foremost expert on selling programs and intellectual properties to corporations and businesses, Mitch Axelrod. In this episode you will learn the following: Identify your sellable content and intellectual property assets Price your programs and content for different types of organizations Approach or attract businesses and corporations to invest in your programs The Triangulation Method to maximize your profits and impact and much more About Mitch Axelrod: Mitch Axelrod is a global licensing expert who has created 3 billion dollars of revenue for clients and millions of dollars licensing Intellectual Property. Mitch is the Best Selling Author of The New Game of Selling and host of the Ultimate Licensing Formula 3-day event.

Episode Notes

About Conversational Currency:

Conversational Currency is Maryland's top small business talk show which focuses on the value of social skills for business in a digital era shared through the lens of today's business and thought leaders. Lead by Baltimore's top small business advisor Shadeed Eleazer, each episode contains news, notes, and exclusives to help you grow on your entrepreneurial journey.

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